Clinics & Services

Clinics & Services

In addition to our routine surgeries, we offer a number of clinics and services which are provided by our clinical team.

We offer a full contraceptive service. Patients requiring emergency contraception will be seen on the day of request.

  • Vaccinations against childhood diseases
  • Travel advice & vaccinations
  • Cervical smears

  • Contraceptive advice & services

  • Review of Chronic diseases such diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, asthma and mental health

  • Family planning

  • Stop smoking advice

  • Blood tests
  • Minor Surgery

  • Ante Natal provision

  • Influenza Clinics

  • NHS health checks for patients over 40

Non-NHS Services

Services take a minimum of 14 working days and are subject to a chargeable a fee.

Children’s Health

Health Visitors The team are able to offer advice and support on all aspects of child health and development. The team also offer advice and support on: Child Behaviour Management Sleep Immunisations and other Public Health Issues Support through teaching ...[READ MORE]

Community Nurses

The Community Nursing Team is organised by Southern Health but based at the Gratton Surgery. They provide a service that is flexible and centred on the needs of patients. They are expert, advanced level practitioners providing high quality nursing care and ...[READ MORE]

Travel Clinic

We are extremely pleased to be able to offer both our patients and visitors a new Travel Clinic Service. Medical & Nursing staff provide a full range of immunisations along with up to date medical intelligence on the the ...[READ MORE]

Friends of Gratton

Patient Participation Group

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